By registering to receive shareholder documentation from IMI electronically you can:
- help us to reduce print, paper and postage costs and the associated environmental impact of these
- cast your AGM vote electronically
- receive an email alert when important shareholder documents are available online such as Annual Reports and Notices of General Meetings
- access details of your individual shareholding quickly and securely online
- set up a dividend mandate online
- change your registered postal address or your dividend mandate details online.
To register for Electronic Shareholder Communication click here
Sign up now to receive your future shareholder communications electronically.
This free and secure service called Shareview Portfolio is provided by IMI’s registrar, Equiniti. Registering will only take a couple of moments as long as you have your shareholder account number to hand (this is a 7,8 or 11-digit number printed on dividend vouchers, proxy cards and any other shareholder correspondence sent to you).
Once you have registered, you can log in using your User ID and Password, initially you will only be able to view basic information such as your total share holding and will not be able to change your address or add bank details. To access the full range of electronic services, you will need to enter an activation code which Equiniti will send to you by post at your registered address. Shareview will prompt you to enter this code the first time you log in after registration.
Already registered?
If you are already registered for Shareview, perhaps because you hold other shares, you can simply add your IMI shareholding to an existing Portfolio and see everything in one place.