A spotlight on graduates

We see our graduates as critical to our future. For over 30 years, graduates have been making a difference across IMI, including our current Chief Executive, Roy Twite. With their growth mindset and ability to challenge, business, and engineering graduates play an important role in helping us deliver Breakthrough Engineering for a better world.
Graduates are entrusted with real responsibility from the start, enabling them to forge strong networks across IMI, which in turn gives them the ability to create tangible impact throughout the two year programme. Recently we caught up with three of our IMI graduates, past and present, to learn more about their experience on the programme and find out how it has helped propel their careers.
Anggiadita Prissilla is a current Graduate Sales Engineer for Process Automation in Japan. After graduating from Sophia University with a Master’s Degree in Global Environmental Studies, the opportunity to learn from experienced leaders and mentors inspired her to join IMI’s graduate programme.
Welf Wölker joined IMI in 2017 as an intern in Germany, before joining the graduate programme in 2020, and has since gained international experience across a variety of functions. Welf is currently a Programme Manager for the Hydrogen sector which he describes as “a high-energy environment with a fast-paced learning experience driven by empowered, global teams whose passion to contribute to IMI’s Better World purpose is truly infectious.”
After completing a Bachelor’s degree in Business Management at Aston University, Jamie Morgan joined IMI in 2022 as a Business Development Graduate in Process Automation. As a current graduate, Jamie talks about his role in supporting the strategic planning cycle and turning large datasets into actionable intelligence to drive business growth.
What inspired and attracted you to join IMI on the graduate programme?
Anggiadita: the opportunity to grow within the field, and to learn from the people whose knowledge and experiences go beyond my own. IMI is a world-renowned company with a deep history and accomplishments and I, too, wanted to be a part of it.
Jamie: in what can be a very busy time in the final year of university, trying to juggle final exams with the pressure of securing graduate employment, the application process for the IMI graduate programme really stood out. The transparency provided about the programme, and the helpful approach of the teams involved, ensured that balancing the application process alongside university responsibilities was as straightforward as possible.
How did being on the graduate programme positively impact your career development?
Welf: the graduate scheme has allowed me a seamless transition from being a working student, to becoming a graduate, to then occupying my first full-time role. One of the most impactful parts is the extensive networking opportunities across the global organisation, along with exposure to our senior management.
What's the most exciting part of your role and the industry you’re currently working in?
Anggiadita: working with people who are eager to share their skills and experiences with me, especially on an international scale.
Jamie: the speed, scale, and change across many of the markets we operate in. Our markets don’t stand still, which means I too must continually develop my understanding of these markets and the trends impacting them as they develop. This provides continuous exposure to new, interesting trends and technologies.
What is your favourite project or memorable moment from your time at IMI?
Welf: there are few things more rewarding than developing and providing an innovative engineering solution to enable a customer project and earn the status of a trusted partner. This describes our collaboration with a UK Hydrogen refuelling system builder – being involved in their design phase early on allowed our team to develop a deep understanding of the application and optimise the system together with the customer.
Jamie: I recently took part in a week-long Growth Hub Foresight sprint, where the team and I were responsible for conducting an intense deep dive into an emerging market to understand potential opportunities for IMI to support customers in this field. This task involved meeting new colleagues from across the business and coming together, ‘hackathon style’, to really give 110% during our sprint. I particularly enjoyed this, as it was a reminder of just how much you can achieve in such a short amount of time when you throw everything at the task in hand.
Can you share a piece of career advice or advice for someone considering joining IMI on the graduate programme?
Anggiadita: be open to the opportunities available for you to exploit, but don’t stop at that and try to go beyond what you can see in front of you whenever possible. Be sure to enjoy your time on the programme, and hopefully all the experiences and opportunities that you will gain will boost you into a better future.
Welf: being “easy to work with” seems like a simple trait, but it goes a long way if you embrace it. As tasks become more complex, our responsibilities grow and we will find that success depends on our ability to collaborate with people across departments, countries, divisions and sometimes other companies.
Looking for challenge, growth and the opportunity to make a real impact? Join us on a graduate programme where you can be part of delivering Breakthrough Engineering for a better world.